Plot Fee Payment

Note: This page is for those who have completed their registration form and received a confirmation email (or call) from our staff. It takes up to a week to process new registrations - please wait until these steps have been completed.

You can also pay by mailing a check to the office. If you need to pay by cash, please arrange a time to meet staff in the office.

Checks can be addressed to "DCGP."

DCGP Office

206 W 4th St. #214 

Duluth, MN 55806

Please note that DCGP does not offer refunds for plot fee payments for any reason. 

How to use this page:

Garden Plot Fees

DCGP does not want anyone to be turned away due to inability to pay. If plot rental is prohibitive to your involvement, please contact us: or call 218.722.4583 to make alternative arrangements.

If you are gardening with a group of people, consider the number of people in your group the "household size."

Donation (optional)

The maintenance of each plot costs DCGP over $300. In order to keep plot fees affordable for gardeners who have low incomes, we are including the option to sponsor a garden plot by making a donation with your plot fee. 

THANK YOU for helping others in your community grow healthy food for their families.

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