About DCGP

Land. Resources. Community. 

Duluth Community Garden Program is a non-profit organization that has been working to bring the people of Duluth together on the land; growing and sharing good food at urban gardens throughout the city for over 40 years. DCGP strives to make gardening as financially and physically accessible as possible to all Duluthians. 

The program was started in 1977 by neighborhood organizers who created a few gardens on vacant lots in Duluth's Central Hillside. The idea caught on, with new people joining in to create gardens in other parts of the city. Today we steward 21 community garden sites - over 270 garden plots - organically gardened by over 200 families. Garden sites are subdivided into 400 square foot plots, which are made available on a sliding fee scale so that anyone, regardless of resources or experience, can have a place to grow fresh fruits and vegetables.

DCGP community gardeners have a wealth of knowledge to share about growing, cooking, and preserving food in our unique and often challenging climate. Workshops, garden tours, work bees, and informal gatherings are organized for gardeners to learn from one another, and for Duluthians to learn from gardeners.

We also loan out garden tools, books, and food preservation equipment to help grow and store the garden bounty.

You needn't be a community gardener at one of our gardens to attend a class, visit a garden, or make use of other resources. Stop on by to see what we have to offer!